Brooklyn to replace Manhattan as departure site for upcoming Carnival Sunrise cruises

Brooklyn to replace Manhattan as departure site for upcoming Carnival Sunrise cruises

Following the shutdown of the Manhattan Cruise Terminal in New York City, the Carnival Cruise Line has been obliged to change the exit harbor for one of its ships for the months of September and October.

Andrea Powers
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The Cruise Critic stated in a report that the New York-based Carnival Sunrise will henceforth be operational at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal for five trips leaving between September 16 and October 6 till maintenance of Pier 92 in Manhattan is completed. 

However, the Carnival Sunrise will be allowed to anchor for the next three sailings either at Pier 88 or 90 of the Manhattan Cruise Terminal but will be transferred to Brooklyn’s Red Hook terminal on September 16.

Brooklyn will be the alternative terminal in New York City until October 6, meanwhile, Sunrise will serve as an anchor for two journeys in Norfolk before relocating to Fort Lauderdale, though some travelers have raised concerns about the changes; the Carnival officers have reaffirmed that maintenance will be finalized in Manhattan before the cruise line returns in 2020.

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