ZenHotels Has Been Recognized as the World’s Leading Hotel Booking Website by Uzakrota Travel Awards

ZenHotels Has Been Recognized as the World’s Leading Hotel Booking Website by Uzakrota Travel Awards

Hurray! It’s been ages since we made you happy with our wins, so it’s the perfect time to set that right: ZenHotels has won first place in the Uzakrota Travel Awards in the World’s Leading Hotel Booking Website category!

ZenHotels Blog
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About Uzakrota Travel Awards

Uzakrota Travel Awards – the global initiative to recognize and reward excellence in travel and tourism – has unveiled the 2022 winners of its World Leading categories.

As a result of the competition, in which 201,967 votes were registered globally, awards were distributed in 45 categories.

We thank everybody who found the time to vote for us and share just a tiny drop of love! Thank you for your support and trust — we will continue to do everything we can to make you happy.

The awards ceremony will be held very soon, on 29 November, and we promise to share the photos — keep up with our news on Facebook and Instagram and be sure to follow us if you haven’t yet!

Book like a champion

Tags: Uzakrota Travel Awards
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