The Right Way to Make a Wish: 10 Places in Different Countries Throughout the World

The Right Way to Make a Wish: 10 Places in Different Countries Throughout the World

They say that to make a wish come true you need to make it on a special occasion: when blowing out the candles on your birthday, watching a falling star, or counting down the seconds to New Year. Well, we think that you don’t need to wait for a particular moment — you can travel to a special place and ask for your secret desire right there, at any time of day on any day of the year. We hope that this year we will get back to traveling freely, while for now we can simply select places where, according to legends, dreams come true.

ZenHotels Blog
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Montserrat, Spain

  • How to get there: via suburban FGC trains from Spain Square station (line R5) to either Montserrat — Aeri or Monistrol de Montserrat station. Then by cable car or by Cremallera (a rack railway) near the station. The bus will take you right to the monastery, and one bus leaves per day all year round.
  • What you should do there: touch the orb.

The holy mountain of Montserrat belongs to the most famous mountain range of Catalonia. Its eponymous monastery on the mountain attracts pilgrims from throughout the world. Here you will find the all-important shrine of La Moreneta (the Virgin of Montserrat or the Black Madonna) — the official protectress of Catalonia.

According to a legend, one Saturday evening in 880 boy shepherds saw a bright light and heard a magic tune emanating from the mountains. They ran home and told their parents everything. The following Saturday they returned to the same place, only with adults, and the miracle was repeated. The adults were convinced that what they saw was real, and a rumor permeated the village: the inhabitants came time and again to view the unusual phenomenon.


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Once the news reached the bishop of the city of Manreza, he went to visit the place of illumination and plucked up the courage to access a cave, where he found the statue of La Moreneta. The bishop issued an order to send this holy relic down to the city church, but nothing came of it: the lower the shepherds descended down the mountain, the heavier this small wooden statue became. The bishop realized that this was a sign: they needed to build a church on this very place, and they did.

It’s still not known today who created the image, how it got to the mountains of Catalonia and why the statue is black. Yet the Catalonians believe in the miraculous powers of the Black Madonna. To make a wish, you have to touch the golden orb in the Madonna’s hand (some people even kiss it, but we don’t recommend that for obvious reasons).

Saint Barbara’s Church, Czech Republic

  • How to get there: take train 965.1 from Praha Hlavni Nadrazi station in Prague, then change onto train Re.1 at Kutna Hora Hlavni Nadrazi station and get off at Kutna Hora Mesto station.
  • What you should do there: throw a coin.

Kutna Hora is a town that fought for many years for the right to be the Czech capital. It is famous for silver mining. The country’s biggest legend is based on this industry.

Silver was mined in the city for many centuries. Then, one day, a mine collapsed and three workers were trapped below ground. While awaiting help, they each made one wish: the first wished to see sunlight one more time; the second wished to see his family one more time, and the third wished to live for one more year. The workers were saved but their wishes were granted: the first died as soon as he saw sunlight, the second died as soon as he saw his wife and children, and the third died exactly a year after he was saved. Just before he died, Saint Barbara appeared to the third one and showed him the place where a church needed to be built in memory of those who died as a result of their blind passion for silver.


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This harsh legend teaches you to articulate your wish carefully and thoughtfully. It’s believed that at Saint Barbara’s Church wishes involving material wellbeing are always granted. It’s easy to make a wish: you have to go up to the chest in the church and throw a coin into it, stating the exact sum that you need. Yes, seriously: the exact sum down to the nearest cent!

Greenwich Park, London

  • How to get there: by bus number 139, 177, 180, 188, 286, 386, or N1 to National Maritime Museum stop.
  • What you should do there: stand on the Meridian line.

Walking through the Royal Park at Greenwich is a way to discover the lands of the royal family: this place preserves the memory of all the dynasties. In the past, royalty went hunting here, whereas now it’s an amazing English park that contains a place of true energy — Greenwich Meridian. Lovers of geography will appreciate this: Greenwich Park splits our planet into two hemispheres. The silver monument with the Meridian line extending from it has been the point from which all distances on the planet have been measured for over 130 years.

A vote was held in Washington back in 1884 that selected the starting meridian. At the time, railways and communications lines were being built intensively, which necessitated setting an international standard for time. Thanks to countries whose ships were guided by the position of Greenwich Meridian in their journeys, the latter was chosen.


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There are two ways to make a wish at Meridian:

  • Stand with both feet on the line and utter your cherished wish;
  • Stand so that one foot is in the western hemisphere and the other in the eastern hemisphere, close your eyes and imagine the meridians splitting the surface of the planet. Only after that should you make your wish.

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine

  • How to get there: the best way is by car along highway N22, then turn off at the crossing with Central Street, which will take you to the entrance; you can also take the Rovno-Lutsky train and get off at Klevan station. The tunnel entrance is near the railway station.
  • What you should do there: make a wish in the tunnel.

There are still lots of places with unspoilt nature in Ukraine that draw you with their beauty. One such place is the Tunnel of Love, which was ranked among the ten most romantic little known places in the planet by the Daily Mail. Moreover, this is a place that makes your wish come true.

The tunnel has been formed by entwined tree branches and shrubbery that surround a section of railway line between the villages of Klevan and Orzhev. The tunnel did not appear by chance — it has an important mission: this railway section once led to a military base, hence it had to be camouflaged. For this reason, trees were planted along the railway line — and later they formed an arch. Now the tunnel is used rarely, only when a train to the local factory comes along. As it does so, it cuts through the growing branches and thereby maintains the shape of the tunnel over 4 km.


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A more romantic version also exists: a young Polish engineer created the shortest route from Orzhev, where he lived, to Klevan, where his love lived. Hence he built a separate railway line right through the forest. Sometime later, the lovers set up home together, and the tunnel turned into a symbol of genuine feelings.

The tunnel is a highly popular location for lovers and newly-weds. It is believed that a kiss in the tunnel will strengthen their love for all their life, and if you stand on the rails and lean on each other with your heart, then you will never separate. Moreover, lovers can make a wish here: if their love is sincere then it will definitely come true.

Bridges in Suzhou, China

  • How to get there: take a river cruise.
  • What you should do there: ride under the bridge.

Suzhou is a city in China that is deservedly known as the Venice of Asia: it contains about 200 bridges and lots of canals!

It’s not for nothing that such a large number of bridges appeared in the city: according to a legend, local prefect Wang Zhongshu was so proud of the first bridge that was built that he wished the glory of the beauty and rich decoration of the bridge to be spread throughout the state. To this end, he donated his most expensive belt made of the rarest jade on embellishing it. Since then, the bridge has been known as the Precious Belt Bridge. The next emperor didn’t want to be outshone by Wang and also gave an order to build a bridge. A tradition took hold as a result — each emperor or wealthy mandarin built a bridge and gave it a name. A Bridge of Luck, Bridge of Career, Bridge of Wellbeing and Bridge of Peace all appeared. All human efforts and wishes, both benevolent and less so, have been embodied in the names of Suzhou bridges over a thousand years.


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Each bridge makes a wish symbolizing its name come true — it’s sufficient to pass under it in a boat during a river cruise. So please note: in this city you can make around 200 wishes! However, on the Precious Belt Bridge — the first and most important bridge — you need to follow a ritual: standing on the bridge, you have to ask for material prosperity and success in financial matters and throw a coin or other object into the canal’s waters. There is one requirement: you have to be a bit reluctant to part with the money or object.

Blarney Stone, Ireland

  • How to get there: the easiest way is from the Irish city of Cork. Take bus 215 from Cork Bus Station to the castle, then get off at Blarney Village.
  • What you should do there: kiss the stone.

The most unusual place where your dreams can come true is perhaps in Ireland: this tourist attraction has been dubbed the most unhygienic in Europe.

This magic stone was embedded in Blarney Castle, which was built in 1446 upon the orders of Dermot McCarthy — the king of one of Ireland’s historic provinces. Dermot believed that the stone would endow people with the gift of eloquence. According to a legend, King of Scotland Robert the Bruce gifted the stone to a chieftain called Cormac McCarthy and kissed it before an important battle.


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McCarthy returned home the victor and, believing in the stone’s miraculous powers, took it with him. It’s not entirely clear if the stone was responsible, but Cormac’s descendants really were talented public speakers. A fascinating story is connected with this talent: Queen Elizabeth once sent the Earl of Leicester to storm Blarney Castle, but McCarthy enraptured the Earl so much in conversation that nothing came of the attack. Since then, poets, politicians, actors and pilgrims have all climbed to the top of the castle in order to kiss the Blarney Stone and obtain the gift of persuasion.

If you also want to become a gifted public speaker, be prepared to overcome squeamishness: for this ritual you need to lie on your back on the iron frame and, holding on to the railings, kiss the stone. We recommend carrying out this ritual once the pandemic has passed, and to wear a mask in any event — don’t forget about your health!

Scarab beetle statue, Egypt

  • How to get there: by taxi or a horse-drawn carriage from the center of Luxor.
  • What you should do there: walk round the statue.

The scarab beetle is one of the best respected insects on the planet. For this reason, the inhabitants of Luxor decided to honor this sacred insect by building its statue. Reasons for its popularity are to be found in Ancient Egyptian mythology.

Egyptians believe that the sun is rotated around the horizon by an invisible god, Khepri — he pushes this luminary in a circle the way that the beetle pushes a ball of dung, so the statue of Khepri is portrayed with the head of a scarab beetle. Moreover, the scarab beetle is a core component of mummified Pharaohs: and in the place of the heart they erected a small statue of the insect as a symbol of rebirth after death.

The unusual scarab beetle statue was built in Luxor during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Since then, visitors have come to the temple of Amun in order to accomplish a miracle-working ritual. In order to do this, they need to walk anti-clockwise around the scarab beetle statue several times: for a girl to get married — three times, to make any wish come true — seven times, to give birth to a child — nine times. A necessary condition is to think about nothing other than this wish as you make each circle, otherwise the wish will not come true.

Pont Marie, France

  • How to get there: get to underground station Pont Marie on line 7.
  • What you should do there: kiss under the bridge.

The city of love had to have a magical place for lovers: Pont Marie in Paris will make all couples’ wishes come true.

Surprisingly enough, such a romantic location doesn’t have any romantic legend about it: there was no Marie in the tale, and the bridge got its name in honor of the engineer and businessman Christophe Marie, who built it in the first half of the 17th century.


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Immediately after, 50 houses were built right on the bridge, but following a flood in 1658 20 houses and two arches were washed away by the rush of the waves. Yet the Parisians didn’t learn anything from this — it was only 100 years later that they banned building houses on that bridge. If you want to remain with your other half forever and live a long and happy life, then the two of you have to kiss under Pont Marie: you can ride under it on a river cruise or walk under the bridge’s arches that extend over the embankment. But it’s important that this is the first time you pass under the bridge.

Oak wish tree, Scotland

  • How to get there: take the train from Edinburgh railway station to the coast, then take the ferry from there to Isle Maree, in the middle of which you will find the chapel of St. Maelrubha.
  • What you should do there: stick a coin in it.

If you feel a little bit like Scrooge (or a lot like him!) and want to bathe in gold, boldly set off for Scotland! It’s here, on an island in Loch Maree, that you will find an oak tree which, according to a legend, will make you rich.


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The oak tree’s bark has long resembled the scales of a dragon: travellers come here from throughout the world to leave a coin in it. Experts have even found a coin dating to 1828 inside it! However, this magical tree only became popular with tourists in 1877, when Queen Victoria came here to make a wish and left a coin in it. The area around the tree is also believed to be permeated with a special force: previously there was a well located here, and drinking from it would cure you from mental derangement.

To make a wish, you have to stick a coin in a slit in the bark so that it doesn’t fall out.

Iron Pillar of Delhi, India

  • How to get there: by taxi from the old center of the Indian capital to the Qutab Minar minaret (about half an hour).
  • What you should do there: touch the pillar.

A huge iron pillar is located in the Mehrauli district of New Delhi: it is 6.7 meters tall with a diameter of 1.37 meters. Today, the pillar remains one of many religious engineering creations of ancient civilizations. There are various hypotheses about the origin of the pillar: many claim that this pillar, which has never rusted, is built from the iron of a meteorite — it has not suffered from the slightest corrosion in 1600 years. Some believe that aliens actually built it. On the other hand, if we are to believe researchers, the Iron Pillar of Delhi was erected in the early fifth century in honor of Emperor Chandragupta II (this information is engraved in Sanskrit on the pillar). However, as is often the case, the true origin of the pillar is unclear.


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In any event, it’s well known that the pillar is able to grant wishes. In the past, in order to achieve this you had to clasp the pillar with your hands and make a wish, but the pillar is now fenced off to protect it from vandals, so it’s enough to touch it when making your wish.

We believe that this year we will be able to visit interesting places throughout the planet and make our most cherished wishes!

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